Category archives: Health & Nutrition

Polyphenols: Support Your Gut Microbiome

It’s not headline news that fruit and vegetables play a key role in a healthy diet. They are known to be packed with important vitamins, minerals, and fibre, however, there are also a number of other compounds that give plants their nutritional power.  Meet polyphenols, another reason to pack your menu with plants.  Over the […]

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The Importance of Gut Health & Probiotics

Why should care about our gut health? Gut health is a rapidly growing field of research; aside from impacting your physical health, your gut bacteria can also have an impact on your mental health. The intricate mechanisms of this are not yet fully understood, but through something named the ‘gut-brain axis’, our microbiomes communicate with […]

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What To Eat in Race Week

The London Marathon is almost upon us! This week, thousands of runners from across the globe will be descending on the capital to race around London’s most famous sites. For many, the preparation for the marathon has long been underway. These final few days are no different, and it’s time to put the finishes touches […]

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Guide to Macronutrients: Part 2

In part 1, we discussed what calories and macronutrients are and what split could be right for different people and goals. If you missed that, you can catch up here. Now, we’re looking further into specific circumstances and how that can affect the intake needed as well as how you can determine what caloire requirements […]

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Guide to Macronutrients: Part 1

At Fresh Fitness Food, personalised nutrition is at the heart of what we do. We believe nutrition is the foundation for a life of health and wellness, as well as playing an integral role in the achievement of fitness goals. Whether the clients’ goals include having more energy, clearer skin, building muscle or losing weight, […]

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5 Tips to Maintain Energy Throughout the Day

Do you find yourself almost nodding off at your desk midafternoon or during meetings? Are these slumps turning into an all-day slump? If this is an all too common occurrence, there are things you can do to help sustain your energy levels throughout the day! It’s vital to make sure your energy levels are maintained […]

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How to Protect and Improve Your Body Image

Body image is something everyone has, whether positive, negative, or neutral. Thanks to diet culture, we as a nation become aware of our bodies from a very young age. The UK Government, specifically The Women and Equalities Committee, conducted a survey in July of 2020 to investigate this.  It was found that 61% of adults […]

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What Is Carb Cycling, And Is It Right For Me?

Carb cycling is a term you often hear a lot about, especially when you start going to the gym or following fitness folk on Instagram. A quick online search unearths a whole host of questions – What exactly is it? What is the purpose of it? Is it for me? Is it worth it? Firstly, […]

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How To Stop Food Cravings When On A Diet

Food is primarily a fuel for your body, but it has become so much more than that. It’s a celebratory meal for your best friend’s birthday, a ‘thank you’ to your neighbour for cat-sitting while you were away, an ‘I’m thinking of you’ to a loved one who is grieving. Food serves a much greater […]

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How Many Meals Should You Eat In A Day?

A question we are frequently asked here at FFF is how many meals should you eat in a day? This is largely due to the fact that there’s a vast range of information out there, most of which is fairly contradictory. The most common view is that our daily food intake should be split into […]

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