Tag archives: nutrition

What To Eat When You’re Hungover At Work

Ahh, the festive season. We’d be remiss if we didn’t end up with at least one weekday hangover each Christmas. Whether it’s triggered by the office Christmas party, an annual catch-up with old friends, or getting carried away at the markets, mindful drinking often goes out the window. Many of us have trudged into the […]

Obesity in the Workplace: Can Losing Weight Help You Get a Job?

In an innovative move, the UK government is considering offering free access to weight-loss injections, including Ozempic and Mounjaro, for unemployed individuals struggling with obesity.  This initiative aims to tackle interconnected societal challenges – rising obesity rates, overburdened healthcare systems, and unemployment. While the concept is bold and rooted in significant research, it has sparked […]

Understanding RED-S: The Hidden Health Risk for Anyone Active

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) isn’t a term that rolls off the tongue, but for athletes and active individuals, it’s a crucial concept that needs attention. This condition, whose name changed from the “Female Athlete Triad,” in 2014, impacts both men and women and interferes with athletic performance and long-term health.  RED-S results from […]

The UK: A Malnourished Nation

hen we think of malnourishment, many of us instinctively picture emaciated children in far-flung, developing countries. However, the reality is that malnutrition is not confined to the developing world. It’s a silent crisis affecting people right here in the United Kingdom.

Bene Menu: Cacao and Coffee Balls Recipe

As you may know, we recently launched ‘Bene Meals’! Our new menu highlights our commitment to offering a taste of Italian summers, inspired by ‘cibo povero’; traditional Italian dishes born out of scarcity but rich in flavour and nutrition.  This time we’re back with a tasty dessert recipe from our new menu to try for […]

Nutrition Strategies for Running a Half Marathon

Running a half marathon is no easy feat! It requires strength, determination and a whole lot of high-quality fuel.

With the Royal Parks Half Marathon just around the corner and having done it myself, we thought it would be the perfect time to share our top nutritional strategies you should implement around running a half marathon.