Author archives: Meghan Foulsham

How to Start a Plant-Based Diet

Plant-based diets are becoming ever more popular thanks to increasing awareness of the impact of meat, fish and dairy-heavy diets on the environment and our health. However, ‘plant-based’ as a term, while many think just means ‘vegan’ is, in reality, plant-based diets exist as more of a spectrum. What is a plant-based diet? Although often […]

How to Eat Healthy Every Day

At Fresh Fitness Food, we love to help our clients meet their goals by providing them with healthy food that they love, but what clients sometimes seem to struggle with, is knowing how to eat healthy food DAILY. Sometimes it’s knowing what types of food to eat and in what proportions, other times it’s dealing […]

5 Tips for Building a Workout Routine Post-Lockdown

Gyms are finally back open and we couldn’t be happier! For many, this means access to heavier and more varied weights, resistance and cardio machines and generally a bit more space to move around in.  Now that equipment, or lack thereof, is no longer an issue, the next step is to ensure you’re making the […]

Understanding Diet and Cholesterol

What is cholesterol? Cholesterol, like many food-related molecules, has previously been given a bad rap. Whilst there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ types of cholesterol, cholesterol remains an essential molecule in the body. It composes the cell membrane and maintains its structural integrity. In addition, it is the precursor for steroid hormones, such as progesterone, testosterone, […]

Improving Your Relationship With Food

Food is primarily a fuel for your body, but it has become so much more than that. It’s a celebratory meal for your best friend’s birthday, a ‘thank you’ to your neighbour for cat-sitting while you were away, an ‘I’m thinking of you’ to a loved one who is grieving. Food serves a much greater […]

What to Eat For Skin Health

Skin. It’s your largest and most visible organ and something that a lot of people are self-conscious about. Whether it’s a small blemish, wrinkles, acne or anything else, at some point, everyone has felt wary of something skin-related. There are many different types of skin; normal, oily, sensitive, dry and combination, and while genetics are […]

How to Eat, Think and Move Around Your Cycle

Menstruation is a weird thing. It is experienced by so many, yet affects everyone differently. For some, it’s just a minor inconvenience for a few days each month, for others, it’s an overwhelming, overbearing, and downright painful experience. Some can go about their menstruating days without a second thought, others are left unable to move […]

Myth Bust: Is Soy Bad for You?

With the rise of plant-based diets, soy is becoming an increasingly popular food in the Western world, but did you know that soy has been consumed for centuries in China, before spreading to Japan and other Asian countries, and then, much later, to the rest of the world? There are two ‘traditional’ types of soy: […]