Category archives: Health & Nutrition

Gluten Free? Diet Fad or Something to Consider?

Gluten free is one of the most popular diet trends around the world. Though slowly losing popularity, there is still a lingering stigma that “gluten-free” means healthier food options. What is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in certain grains like wheat, barley and rye. Who should avoid gluten?  There are some medical conditions where […]

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Why Protein is Important for a Healthy Meal

Protein is a vital component of our diet. As a result, it should be given careful consideration when it comes to planning your overall dietary intake and the meals you have each day.  Why is it said to be an important component of a healthy, balanced meal? There’s a lot of information out there and […]

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5 Ideas for Low Carb Meal Prep

We’ve spoken at length about the many benefits of meal prep – whether that’s getting out your Tupperware on a Sunday night, or leaving us to do it for you (I know which one, I prefer)! However, something we are asked by those who try to tackle it themselves from time to time is inspo […]

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4 Quick and Easy Vegan Meal Prep Ideas

Meal prepping can be challenging if you’re doing it for the first time. Planning and preparation are key. For anyone new to the challenge, check out our meal prep lowdown here. When you’re choosing to prepare plant-based meals, there are a few extra considerations to be aware of.  Protein  It’s a myth that you can’t […]

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How to Make a Meal Plan Based on Macros

Nutrition can be a daunting area to approach for the first time, and often, Google and the internet, in general, is full of contradiction and misinformation. It’s important to choose where you receive your research and information wisely and from credible sources (not just someone with a lot of Instagram followers!). Before determining your macro […]

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What To Look For In A Meal Prep Service

Meal prep can be hugely time-consuming, and let’s face it, a bit of an inconvenience at the weekends or in your evenings. It’s only natural that we look for a nice simple solution that saves our precious free time. With the demand for meal prep increasing in popularity, there are now a plethora of options […]

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What a balanced meal plan actually looks like

We often hear the phrases ‘follow a healthy balanced diet’, ‘eat a balanced diet’, ‘go for balanced meals’, but what does all of this really mean and is it applicable to all?  With so much diet advice out there and, in particular, what could be considered poor diet advice, it’s really confusing to know what […]

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5 Ways to Stay Motivated During Winter

As the days get colder, shorter and darker (sob), often our first reaction is to chill in front of the tv, rather than smashing through our to-do list or making plans.  Now we’re not saying it’s not okay to get cosy on a Sunday afternoon and have a Netflix marathon, but it doesn’t mean you […]

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Vitamin D: Sources, Benefits, Deficiency and Dosage

Why do we need vitamin D? Vitamin D, otherwise known as ‘the sunshine vitamin’ is synthesised by the body following sunlight exposure. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from our diets, making it essential for maintaining bone and muscle health (1, 2). Vitamin D also contributes to […]

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For who do we recommend a supplement? Our busy lifestyles can place extra stress (mentally and physically) on our bodies. Due to certain lifestyle choices or medical conditions, we might have nutritional gaps and a multivitamin may help to keep our daily nutrition requirements optimal so we can feel at our best throughout the day. […]

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