3 Ways To Keep Your Training On Track This Summer With GRNDHOUSE

As the weather improves and everything starts to feel more joyful – it’s easy to let our training and gym routines slip as we get out in the sun, drinking & enjoying life.
TBH, we don’t blame you. After all – isn’t that what it’s all about?
There is more to life than training. But have you ever thought that training adds more to your life?
Just because you may not have as much time, motivation or enthusiasm, it doesn’t mean you have to cancel your training plans completely. Our partners at GRNDHOUSE are here to help keep you on track to feeling Fresh All Summer!
“At GRNDHOUSE, our ethos is “anytime, anywhere”. Our mission was to create a product that reflected exactly this.
We’ve been in the industry for a while now and we know a few things:
- Fitness is WAY more fun when it’s less serious.
- Training at around 80% all year round is far more enjoyable than 100% for a few weeks and burning out; Sustainability is key.
Whilst structure is key with training just like it is with a balanced diet, fluidity is also important. If you can’t commit to a full session, do you ditch your workout completely? Or do find another solution, even if it was a quick 10-15 minutes? Similarly, does one bad meal during the week completely wreck your eating habits? It doesn’t have to!
With holidays looming and summer in full swing, our challenge to you is to simply keep things ticking over. Seeing summer as a complete break from training and other healthy habits is only going to make things way harder when you do decide to get back on track.
Our top 3 tips for staying on track this summer:
- A shorter workout is better than none!
We love seeing our clients crush full, 40-minute workouts just as much as we enjoy seeing Hustlers smash 10-15 minute Express classes. When you’re away or can’t get a full session in – you can still maintain your programme. Something is better than nothing.
- Intensity is Key
Don’t get too caught up on sticking to your full blown routine if social plans or travelling may hamper the amount of sessions you can commit to. There is no point burning the candle at both ends. Rest is key. Sleep is key. 3 sessions at a high intensity is much better than 5 at a low intensity.
- Embrace Bodyweight
No equipment? No problem! Whether you need to get a quick sweat in at home before a night out, or even make the most of what you have on holiday – don’t always rely on machines or fancy equipment to get the job done. There is so much you can do with just your body.
Fitness is a lifestyle choice. Our message to you is to simply make training and eating well part of your lifestyle.
We believe in the impact strength training has on both body and mind. We know our clients are time-poor. We know they need structure. We know they want results.
One thing’s for sure. You don’t need to train for hours to get in the best shape ever. You can train efficiently for 40 minutes. If you’re time-poor, that’s fine. Become results rich.
Don’t fall off the wagon. Be consistent. Your body and mind will thank you.”
We know, that’s a lot easier said than done! But that’s where we come in. We’re here to give you the tools to stay on track, feel your best and make the most out of your summer. We’ll handle the guesswork and the hard work when it comes to your nutrition so you can spend more time enjoying the things you love.
Just like we deliver healthy meals to your door, GRNDHOUSE provides a solution to make training easier than ever before. Structured, strength-based workouts, available any time, anywhere. At home, in the gym, or even on holiday. they have you covered.
Want to try GRNDHOUSE for 30 days free? Simply click here to get started today.