Category archives: Lifestyle

Quarantine Essentials with Renee McGregor

There is no doubt we are facing unsettling times, but all is not lost, especially not your fitness or diet gains. Today, we are discussing just that with leading sports dietician Renee McGregor, seeking her advice on how to stay sane and what to keep in your cupboards. – What three tips would you give […]

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Recommendation Roundup

Our team at FFF are always on the hunt for new things, anything from restaurants to podcasts and good reads to apps. Every month we’ll be sharing our top recommendations that we think you may like too.  Save as PDF

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Veganuary – the end!

Personally, I’m a little (pleasantly) surprised, I have completed it, as I’d always thought it would be too difficult to stick to and my diet wouldn’t be varied enough to keep things interesting. However, with the help of a combination of our delicious Fresh Fitness Food vegan meals, as well as time spent planning, I’ve […]

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Can you be an athlete and eat a plant-based diet?

The number of people following a vegetarian or vegan diet has significantly increased in recent times as being vegan has become far more accessible to the general public. The food and drink industry has capitalised on the sharp rise in veganism, meaning we now see more plant-based meal options in supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, and across […]

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Veganuary – Week #3

We’re now three weeks into Veganuary, Veganary or just plant-based month if that’s too much of a mouthful for you (see our IGTV bloopers for some lols). The weeks seem to be flying by and I now feel as though I’ve got the hang of things in terms of food choices, meal planning and preparation. […]

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