Category archives: Lifestyle

Veganuary – the end!

Personally, I’m a little (pleasantly) surprised, I have completed it, as I’d always thought it would be too difficult to stick to and my diet wouldn’t be varied enough to keep things interesting. However, with the help of a combination of our delicious Fresh Fitness Food vegan meals, as well as time spent planning, I’ve […]

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Can you be an athlete and eat a plant-based diet?

The number of people following a vegetarian or vegan diet has significantly increased in recent times as being vegan has become far more accessible to the general public. The food and drink industry has capitalised on the sharp rise in veganism, meaning we now see more plant-based meal options in supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, and across […]

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Veganuary – Week #3

We’re now three weeks into Veganuary, Veganary or just plant-based month if that’s too much of a mouthful for you (see our IGTV bloopers for some lols). The weeks seem to be flying by and I now feel as though I’ve got the hang of things in terms of food choices, meal planning and preparation. […]

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Veganuary – Week #1

The number of people following a vegetarian or vegan diet has sky-rocketed in recent years. A report by The Vegan Society named the ‘plant-based movement’ as one of the fastest-growing lifestyle trends in the UK, with the number of people following a vegan diet increasing by 360% over the past decade. On Instagram, the term […]

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Which summer fads should you avoid?

Summer is almost here, and it’s no secret that we all like to feel good in our summer outfits. Online you can find heaps of information on the ‘quickest and best’ ways to get that summer body ready, but what works and what doesn’t? We’ve delved deeper into some of the latest trending fad diets […]

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Detox diets – what’s all the fuss about?!

After an indulgent Christmas and perhaps some half-hearted efforts to get yourself ‘back on track’ in the new year, drive and determination may be dwindling. It’s at this point, you may consider either throwing in the towel or searching for a shortcut to get you where you want to be. Coincidently, at this time of […]

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Fat Loss – 8 steps to get started

Fat loss is a hot topic especially at this time of the year, and everyone claims to have the answer as to how to shed the Christmas pounds as quickly, and with as little effort as possible! With every website providing different advice, it can be very confusing to know what to follow. We find […]

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Does Christmas really ruin your health goals?

  It’s the end of the year again and the days are cold, dark and short. All of a sudden going to the gym becomes a chore, and celebrations (chocolate and social) become the focus. Yes, it may feel slightly demotivating, and yes a little guilt may linger but it’s Christmas, and it should be […]

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